Mai 15, 2025

9:00 to 6:00 PM
Rosewood Hotel Georgia
Individual - $445+tax
Individual - $575+ tax
The Vancouver Regulatory and Compliance Forum will equip you and your colleagues with insights, highlights, and tactical guidance on current issues and industry developments impacting compliance and legal professionals. Participate in practical discussions and have your compliance-related questions answered to meet the challenges of 2025.
The sessions will include:
CSA Regulators’ Panel
Compliance Hot Topics
Lunch Keynote
Emerging Issues Panel
AUM networking roundtables
**Agenda to be publicized soon*
1, rue Toronto, bureau 905
Toronto, Ontario MSC 2V6
Téléphone (416) 504-1118
Fax (416) 504-1117
Courriel [email protected]
©2024 Association des gestionnaires de portefeuille du Canada