Media Advisory – Call for Entries: 2023 PMAC Awards for Excellence in Investment Journalism


 Print, Online and Audio-Visual Media Invited to Submit High-Quality Original Stories on Investment Topics that Educate and Inform Public

PMAC Awards launches new stand-alone Audio-Visual Media category for  podcasts, radio and TV broadcasts of educational value to Canadian investors

 (TORONTO/MONTREAL, March 13, 2023) – There was no lack of weighty original investment stories in 2022 – reaching from every market sector into every Canadian household. With inflation, rising interest rates, market volatility, big mergers, falling empires, regulatory battles, consumer confusion and a shaky housing market dominating the news cycles for the last 14 months, economic uncertainty has been on everyone’s mind.

From grocery store sticker shock to boardroom power plays, financial journalism last year took a high-board dive into the real-time issues and challenges facing Canadians. The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (PMAC) welcomes and honours the work of Canada’s print, online and audio-visual media to the 13th edition of the PMAC Awards for Excellence in Investment Journalism, each with its own category-specific award.

“Our independent jury looks forward to reading topical, original and relevant submissions that educate and inform investors by helping them better understand the investment business, its products and services,” says PMAC President Katie Walmsley. “The Awards exemplify the important insight, perspective and user-friendly information Canada’s financial media imparts to readers, listeners, and viewers every day.”

The 2023 PMAC Awards for Excellence in Investment Journalism celebrate stories that appeared in the Canadian market between March 1, 2022, and February 28, 2023.

PMAC requests high-quality written articles and audio-visual submissions to this definitive celebration of Canadian investment journalism by April 15, 2023.  The awards will also continue to enable a broader base of established and early-career financial journalists to enter the competition with both short- and long-form print, online (text content) and audio-visual media entries that meet the needs of Canadian investors and the public at large in their search for up-to-date information on, and understanding of, the economy and domestic and international financial markets.

The first-place winner in the Short and Long-form Print categories will receive $4,000 each, and the second-place winners will receive $2,000 each. One top winner will be selected in the Audio-Visual Media category and awarded $4,000. One of the winning entries from the short, long, and audio-visual submissions will earn the top award and be named as first prize overall winner. The overall winner will receive a $1,000 bonus. The awards will be presented at PMAC’s annual CEO dinner to be held on June 21, 2023, in Toronto.

Entries may include investigative journalism, topical investment issues, innovative educational topics and/or regulatory issues that affect the investing public. Previous winners include some of the most recognizable and respected names in financial journalism whose work has made a difference to investors.

2023 Eligibility:

  • Submissions must have appeared in print, online (text content), or audio-visual (podcasts, radio and TV broadcasts on investment topics that educate and inform investing public) format between March 1, 2022, and February 28, 2023
  • Submissions are only eligible to those in Canadian media
  • Submissions must have been made available to the Canadian public in English or French
  • Individual journalists are eligible for one (1) submission, in either the Short Entry category OR the Long Entry category OR the Audio-Visual Entry category
  • Short Entry: One (1) submission of up to three (3) different/unrelated entries
    • Print/Online Article: Each entry must be less than 1,000 words
  • Long entry: One (1) submission
    • Print/Online Article: Entry must be 1,000 words or more; OR one (1) submission of a series of related articles totaling 1,000 words or more
  • Audio-Visual Entry: One (1) entry
    • The entry must be no longer than 60 minutes
    • Single episodes from a series are permitted
  • Employees, directors, or officers of a financial services or investment firm are ineligible.

For the purpose of eligibility, a submission refers to the collection of entries; an entry refers to an individual story.

Complete entry details can be viewed here. The judging panel consists of six experienced and knowledgeable professionals with a collective mix of expertise in the field of journalism and investment/financial services.  PMAC gives them complete independence in the judging process. Biographies for each judge can be viewed here.

Winners will be announced in June.

Submissions should be made by April 15 to [email protected]. Please specify “PMAC Awards for Excellence in Investment Journalism” in the subject line of the email.

About PMAC

PMAC represents over 300 asset management firms that manage more than $3 trillion in assets. Members manage portfolios for private individuals, foundations, universities and pension plans. As one of the largest and fastest growing investment industry associations in Canada, PMAC operates coast-to-coast in English and French-language markets. PMAC employs a collaborative information-sharing business model and advocates on behalf of its members on securities regulation and government policy matters. PMAC represents investment management firms registered to do business in Canada as portfolio managers. The association’s mission is to advocate the highest standards of unbiased portfolio management in the interest of investors served by members.


For media inquiries, please contact: Margo Rapport, Rapport Communications Tel: 416-895-5672
 [email protected]