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Alitis Investment Counsel Inc.


101 Island Highway
Suite 909
Campbell River, BC V9W 2C2
(250) 287 - 4933
Toll Free: (800) 667 - 2554
[email protected]

Principal Contacts

Todd Blaseckie
CEO & Portfolio Manager

Client Minimums

Private: $250,000
Institutional: $250,000

Types of Accounts Managed

  • Private Individual / Investor
  • Family Office
  • Institutional Investor - Pension Plan
  • Institutional Investor - Non-Profit
  • Institutional Investor - First Nations
  • Institutional Investor - Other

Provinces of Business

  • Alberta
  • British Columbia*
  • Manitoba
  • Ontario
  • Saskatchewan

* indicates a physical location in this province

Firm History

In the midst of the 2008 financial crisis, it became evident that there was a need for a new investment strategy that would help investors survive future market fluctuations. Thus, why Alitis was created in 2009. By offering access to alternative investments, such as private real estate, private equity and private mortgages, in a lower cost environment with improved liquidity, this would act as a safeguard in clients’ portfolios to help better navigate market volatility and deliver better risk-adjusted returns.

Starting out with seven staff and three investment portfolios, Alitis has followed a disciplined data driven approach to investing resulting in a comprehensive approach to wealth management that includes portfolio management, risk management, tax and estate planning and more.

Today, the firm manages over $435 million in assets on behalf of high-net-worth individuals, corporations, pension funds, non-profit organizations, endowments & foundations, with over 20 team members, seven investment portfolios and has three offices in British Columbia.

Investment Philosophy

Alitis provides investors access to financial opportunities that are typically reserved for the ultra-wealthy through our investment management process.

Investment decisions are guided by Alitis’ detailed policies and procedures and are implemented by our highly experienced Investment Committee with the goal of providing solid returns with less risk.

Investment Committee – The Investment Committee sets the overall direction and strategy of the Pools and is responsible for making all investment decisions. The committee meets formally on a quarterly basis and informally every week to discuss market developments.

Risk Controls – Risk reduction is one of the primary objectives of Alitis. We can minimize and control risks by setting minimum and maximum weightings, including rebalancing guidelines, for each asset class. This ensures the portfolios stay diversified during all market environments. Risk is further reduced by placing limits on liquidity and the size of any individual position. Additional risk controls are applied at each step of the process.

Investment Analysis – Before we purchase any investments for the portfolios, a rigorous due diligence process is undertaken so we can understand the opportunities and risk that are present in each investment.

Strategic Asset Allocation – Each portfolio is built around its strategic asset allocation, which is the expected long term asset mix. It is the main risk reducing aspect for each portfolio since more asset classes means better diversification and less risk.

Tactical Asset Allocation – Since short-term market forces can have significant impact on investment results, significant time is spend assessing the current market environment. Short-term tactical changes are then made to our asset allocation in order to capture market opportunities and/or avoid unnecessary market risks.

Portfolio Construction – The final step is the actual buying and selling of investments within each Pool. By adjusting the individual holdings within each asset class, we can further refine the characteristics of the portfolios. Once constructed, the Pools are actively monitored and rebalanced to stay within the desired targets.

With over 250 years of collective investment experience and a solid track record of guiding families through their wealth accumulation and retirement years, the Alitis team is well qualified to help your family protect and safely grow your wealth.

Investment Options

Alitis offers a suite of investment products that are designed to provide investors with access to a broad range of asset classes and investment styles in order to generate solid returns with a lower level of risk.

 We use our investments both individually and in combination, to construct our client portfolios.

  • Alitis Strategic Income Pool

  • Alitis Income & Growth Pool

  • Alitis Growth Pool

  • Alitis Dividend Growth Pool

  • Alitis Private Mortgage Fund

  • Alitis Private REIT

  • Alitis Private Real Estate Limited Partnership

Reporting & Communications

Portfolio managers meet with clients annually, at a minimum, to review their financial needs. Monthly statements are available online to clients who have subscribed to web portal access and quarterly statements for those who prefer hardcopy versions. These statements provide greater detail as to the makeup of your portfolio, including proportional holdings of the investments held inside the Alitis Pools.