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Barometer Capital Management Inc.


Brookfield Place
181 Bay Street, Suite 3220
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2T3
(416) 601 - 6888
[email protected]

Principal Contacts

Ron Kelterborn
Chief Compliance Officer
Tel: (416) 601 - 6888
[email protected]

Client Minimums

Private: $2,000,000
Institutional: $5,000,000

Types of Accounts Managed

  • Private Individual / Investor
  • Institutional Investor - Pension Plan
  • Institutional Investor - Non-Profit
  • Institutional Investor - Other

Provinces of Business

  • Alberta
  • British Columbia*
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario*
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Quebec
  • Saskatchewan

* indicates a physical location in this province

Barometer Capital Management Inc. manages investment portfolios for private investors, foundations and endowments. Barometer’s business was formed in 2001. In 2006, the business became Barometer through a management buyout. Today, Barometer remains an independent partner-owned firm with 33 employees that manages money for over 450 families. The firm’s assets have grown to $2.0 billion under management.*

Our Approach

Barometer’s Disciplined Leadership Approach™ (DLA) is an active,style agnostic process focussed on understanding the current market environment. The Approach combines a top-down market and sector risk assessment model with a bottom-up quantitative security selection process – Barometer’s team focuses on identifying trends in the marketplace, concentrating the portfolios in those areas for as long as those trends remain positive and repositioning them in a timely manner as new opportunities emerge. Our continuous re-evaluation of portfolio holdings, along with our willingness to hold significant cash positions in the absence of market leadership, supports our philosophy of providing investors with absolute returns.

The DLA also places particular emphasis on protection of capital. In the event risk is elevated in portfolios, Barometer plays defence and protects the capital that clients have worked so hard to accumulate. By monitoring for change every day, applying a disciplined selling strategy and making tactical use of cash equivalents, we protect portfolios from staying invested in unproductive assets or during pervasive market weakness. Barometer’s Selling Strategy adheres to the consistent use and reset of stop alerts – clear exit price for every security – designed to eliminate the rationalization and emotion from the sell decision.

Barometer prides itself on transparency of process and excellence in compliance standards. To this end, Barometer provides its clients with regular communication about portfolio holdings, investment results, and significant market events. The firm has an entirely open and transparent process.

*Assets under management includes separately managedclient accounts, Barometer PrivatePools, Barometer Group of Funds and investment advisory services tobroker/dealers via an investment management platform as of December 31, 2016.