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Jarislowsky, Fraser Limited


1010 Sherbrooke Street West
20th Floor
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2R7
(514) 842 - 2727

Principal Contacts

Pierre Lapointe
Senior Partner and Executive Committee Chair
Tel: (514) 842 - 2727
[email protected]

Margot Ritchie
Senior Partner
Tel: (416) 363 - 7417
[email protected]

Chad Van Norman
Tel: (403) 233 - 9117
[email protected]

Client Minimums

Private: $1,000,000
Institutional: $1,000,000

Types of Accounts Managed

  • Private Individual / Investor
  • Institutional Investor - Pension Plan
  • Institutional Investor - Non-Profit
  • Institutional Investor - First Nations
  • Institutional Investor - Other

Provinces of Business

  • Alberta*
  • British Columbia*
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario*
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Quebec*
  • Saskatchewan
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nunavut
  • Yukon
  • United States

* indicates a physical location in this province


Jarislowsky, Fraser Limited (JFL) was founded in 1955 by Stephen Jarislowsky as an investment research firm.  As a result of strong organic growth, the firm is now one of Canada’s largest Investment Counsels with offices in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver.  Our clients include: governments, corporations, universities, hospitals, foundations, labour unions and private clients in North America and Europe.

Investment Philosophy

JFL’s primary goal is growing capital for its clients in a low risk manner. The firm’s philosophy is founded upon conservative, time proven principles of fundamental investing. We construct diversified, high quality portfolios that are designed to preserve the real purchasing power of our clients’ funds with minimal risk and to achieve long-term growth for our clients. The portfolio’s volatility is kept to a minimum by implementing only gradual asset mix changes and a “buy and hold” strategy.

JFL’s equity style emphasizes buying long-term growth at a reasonable price. We believe that investing a portion of clients’ portfolios outside of Canada is key to achieving the objectives of protecting capital and long-term growth. Non-Canadian markets offer unparalleled opportunities to invest in global companies operating in sectors otherwise unavailable to Canadian investors.  This approach has been particularly effective in minimizing the volatility prevalent in today’s global markets.

Services Provided

JFL is a dedicated Investment Counseling firm. We provide discretionary investment management services, including the development of each client’s custom investment policy statement.  We will happily work together with any other tax advisors or consultants the client wishes to include in the process.

Key Features

  • JFL is one of Canada’s largest active money managers, with over 5 decades of independent research and investment counseling expertise.

  • The firm’s equity style emphasizes long-term growth at a reasonable price, focusing on low risk, large capitalization global companies with strong fundamentals.   We take a buy-and-hold approach to investing which minimizes trading activity and is therefore more efficient for taxable portfolios.

  • High Net Worth portfolios are customized to meet each client’s specific needs.  We do not take a one-size-fits-all-approach and generally use models only for our larger institutional clients such as pension funds.

  • All clients benefit from the firm’s strong internal research team.  Each year our investment professionals contact and interview several hundred global companies.

  • Our fees are among the lowest in the industry for active management.

  • JFL has a long history of  promoting corporate governance and a strong commitment to protecting the rights of minority shareholders.