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JCIC Asset Management Inc.


77 King Street West, TD North Tower Suite 4210
Toronto, Ontario M5K 1J3
(416) 366 - 1122 ext. 235
Toll Free: 1-844-969-5242

Principal Contacts

Cameron Scrivens
Tel: (416) 366 - 1122 ext 242
[email protected]

Michelle Burandt
Relationship Manager
Tel: (416) 366 - 1122 ext 233
[email protected]

Client Minimums

Private: $1,000,000
Institutional: $1,000,000

Types of Accounts Managed

  • Private Individual / Investor

Provinces of Business

  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario*
  • Quebec

* indicates a physical location in this province


JCIC Asset Management Inc. (previously Jones Collombin Investment Counsel) was founded in 1993 and provides portfolio management to individuals, trusts, estates, corporations and private foundations.  The firm is committed to a disciplined investment approach and active client contact.  Our people, technology and corporate structure embody the elements necessary to fulfil this mandate.

The firm is comprised of dedicated teams of investment, client service and operations professionals.   Direct employee ownership of Jones Collombin fosters an environment of creativity and personal dedication.  The firm is not encumbered by bureaucracy and therefore possesses the flexibility to respond quickly to changes in capital markets and client objectives.  Our independence enables us to make decisions that are in the best interests of our clients.


We are balanced managers with a long-term bias towards equities since history has proven that equities are the best means of building wealth over time. The ultimate mix of equities and fixed income vehicles is determined in large part by client objectives, by risk tolerance and by capital market conditions.

The portfolio management function is separate from the relationship management team, allowing the investment team to focus exclusively on finding the optimal mix of assets, regions, and securities to invest in for our clients. We offer four mandates for segregated account platform: Income, Balanced, Growth and North American Equity.  The Balanced and North American Equity mandates are also available on our pooled fund platform.

JCIC is an active manager using a mix of Growth at a Reasonable Price (GARP) and Value criteria. We are constantly reviewing holdings and always looking for the best opportunities. Our search concentrates on fundamental analysis of industry dynamics and company operations. We also use analysis of technical market factors and computer-based quantitative research which rate company profitability, liquidity, financial soundness, and valuation measuers. Our preference is to have a carefully researched and limited number of holdings. We typically hold 30 – 40 equity positions in a portfolio including international securities.


Our clients are the focal point around which all our activities take place. At inception we undertake an extensive review of client needs, return objectives, tolerance for risk, tax situation, and future capital requirements. We communicate regularly with our clients regarding their investments. This process ensures a clear understanding of expectations and forms the basis by which to measure our performance.

The following are provided as part of our service for segregated portfolio clients: monthly transaction and portfolio statements; monthly market and activity commentaries; quarterly performance evaluations in accordance with industry standards; annual statement of capital gains and losses; updates via email during turbulent markets; and meetings as required.

Pooled Fund clients receive trade confirmations and quarterly statements from RBC Investor & Treasury Services, the Jones Collombin Balanced Fund quarterly performance report; monthly market and activity commentaries;  updates via email during turbulent markets and meetings as required.