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Nexus Investment Management


111 Richmond Street West
Suite 801
Toronto, Ontario M5H 2G4
(416) 360 - 0580
Toll Free: (888) 756 - 9999
[email protected]

Principal Contacts

Alexandra Jemetz
VP, Head of Client Service & Wealth Management
Tel: (647) 925 - 8998
[email protected]

Client Minimums

Private: $1,000,000
Institutional: $1,000,000

Types of Accounts Managed

  • Private Individual / Investor
  • Institutional Investor - Non-Profit

Provinces of Business

  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Ontario*
  • Quebec
  • Saskatchewan

* indicates a physical location in this province

Firm History

Nexus Investment Management provides segregated and pooled fund portfolio management and financial counselling to individuals, trusts, estates and foundations.

Nexus is independently managed. Our principals invest alongside clients, directly aligning our interests with our clients’ long-term investment success. Since it was founded in 1988, several hallmarks define Nexus’s services:                 
– A sound investment management approach with a superior long-term record and carefully managed risk.
– A tailored long-term financial and investment plan.
– The accountability, value and high-touch service of a direct relationship.  

Investment Philosophy

Nexus manages fixed income, balanced and growth portfolios. We believe that having an appropriate long-term asset mix and successful bottom-up security selection are critical factors in the investment process.

First, the partners determine the appropriate asset mix for each client, based on financial, tax and risk considerations.

For equities, Nexus uses a “Growth at a Reasonable Price” philosophy which is a bottom-up approach to screen for high-quality, sustainable companies that are available at an attractive price relative to their longer-term prospects. Criteria include strong management, steady earnings growth, healthy balance sheets, profitability and valuation. These are investments that we can hold for the long term, resulting in low portfolio turnover. We are disciplined in monitoring existing holdings and selling.

We manage the fixed income portfolio by altering maturity and credit mix according to our outlook. We limit the portfolio to investment-grade securities.

All of our investments share Nexus’ investment philosophy and are offered through segregated account management and a family of cost-effective pooled funds managed by Nexus  the North American Equity, North American Balanced, North American Income, and International Equity funds. 

Comprehensive financial counselling is available, which can assist you with tax efficiency, estate planning and investment structuring.

Reporting & Communication with Clients

Each client is assigned a primary and backup portfolio manager. Clients have continuous access to both investment and financial counsel managers and receive regular reports from Nexus and a third-party custodian.