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Vision Wealth Management Ltd.


610 Granville Street
Suite 405
Vancouver, BC V6C 3T3
(604) 569 - 0627
[email protected]

Principal Contacts

Dana Fleming
CEO / Portfolio Manager / Certified Financial Planner
Tel: (604) 569 - 0627
[email protected]

Nancy Fearon
Portfolio Manager / Partner
Tel: (604) 569 - 0627
[email protected]

Client Minimums

Private: $500,000
Institutional: $5,000,000

Types of Accounts Managed

  • Private Individual / Investor
  • Institutional Investor - Non-Profit
  • Institutional Investor - First Nations
  • Institutional Investor - Other

Provinces of Business

  • British Columbia*
  • Ontario

* indicates a physical location in this province

We are value investors with a strong bias toward capital preservation and reducing risk within our portfolios through prudent asset allocation strategies and tactics. We will actively manage your plan and your investment strategy to maximize your opportunities.

We are a boutique private wealth management practice dedicated to a select group of families.  One of our areas of core competency is to assist families with small businesses, family-owned and operated enterprises. We bring significant expertise to the table in the areas of multigenerational planning, business succession planning, estate planning and preservation, and tax efficiencies.

The axiom ”fail to plan, plan to fail” has been around for ages. Years of experience have taught us that there is a great deal of wisdom in these six simple words. For many people, the process involved in financial planning and portfolio management are somewhat akin to having their wisdom teeth pulled. Despite this, the vast majority of Canadians believe they need to pay more attention to both areas.

Our process is dedicated to assisting our clients in understanding their current reality, clarifying their future goals and vision and assisting them in utilizing their assets to close the gap that lies between where they are now and where they wish to be. In short, it is you who defines what you want your financial plan to look like, not us. And your financial plan will play a significant role in dictating our approach to growing and preserving your wealth.

Our job is not to tell you what you can or cannot do: our job is to try and help you strike a balance between the creating the life you wish to live now and the future you hope to have down the road. We are there to listen, offer guidance where necessary and expertise to grow your capital and move you along your path. We are value investors with a strong bias toward capital preservation and reducing risk within our portfolios through prudent asset allocation strategies and tactics. We will actively manage your plan and your investment strategy to maximize your opportunities.

We are presently adding new clients on a referral basis only.