2016 PMAC Award for Excellence in Investment Journalism Winners Announced

Morningstar’s Rudy Luukko and Globe and Mail’s Rob Carrick and
Ian McGugan take Top Honours for Insightful Editorial Content that Improves Investment Literacy

TORONTO, ON, May 26, 2016 – The exceptional insight and writing talents of three Canadian financial print journalists have garnered Morningstar’s Rudy Luukko and the Globe and Mail’s Rob Carrick and Ian McGugan the top three prizes of the 2016 PMAC Award for Excellence in Investment Journalism, presented by Canada’s influential non-profit industry association, the Portfolio Management Association of Canada (PMAC) (www.portfoliomanagement.org).

In a year dominated by extensive news coverage on falling oil prices, market downturns and slower-than-expected economic growth, these journalists stood out with their work on highly topical issues, written in a very informative and readable style for the everyday investor. “They broke new ground, explaining complicated and complex issues of interest to the consumer in a way that was easy to understand, well-researched and gave compelling new insights and perspective into meaningful investor topics,” says PMAC President Katie Walmsley, who adds the Association received an unprecedented number of quality submissions for the 2016 PMAC Award.

PMAC created the annual competition, now in its fifth year, to acknowledge journalistic excellence that fosters better understanding of the investment industry and improves Canadians’ financial literacy.

The top three prize winners of the 2016 PMAC Award for Excellence in Investment Journalism are:

First Prize:
Morningstar editor Rudy Luukko for his very well written three-part series on online advisors: The online revolution in advice-giving; What to look for when choosing an online investment advisor and; Algorithms versus advisors? The service gap will narrow, published on Morningstar.ca on February 22, 24, and 26, 2016. Luukko provided a comprehensive overview of the business, how it works, and its strengths and weaknesses.

Second Prize:
Globe and Mail personal finance editor Rob Carrick, for his well-researched article Low-fee robo-advisers are relatively new but fill a gap in the market. Here’s what you need to know, published in September 2015. Carrick used a Q&A format to compare and contrast the services available.

Third Prize:
Globe and Mail investment columnist Ian McGugan, for his compelling two stories on “closet indexing”: Managed money in Canada has a shameful distinction and Revealing the closet indexers among Canada’s mutual funds, published November 17 and 25, 2015.

Honourable Mentions for their 2016 submissions are:

David Aston, MoneySense contributing editor for an article entitled Pick a Perfect Adviser, published June 2015.

Murad Hemmadi, senior editor at Canadian Business for an article entitled Crowdfunding comes to Canada, published November 2015.

Jessica Bruno, Advisor Group content editor for an article entitled Leveraged ETFs can help advisors without options licenses, published December 2015.

The members of the judging panel for the PMAC Award for Excellence in Investment Journalism are among the most experienced investment and media professionals in Canada. Walmsley commented “Their decision criteria are exacting and their choices reflect a tough-minded, but fair assessment of excellence in investment writing.”

The first prize winner in the competition receives $5,000; second prize, $3,000 and third prize, $2,000. The presentation of the prizes will be held at PMAC’s CEO Dinner on June 1, 2016 in Toronto.

To be eligible for the competition, an article must have been published between March 1, 2015 and February 28, 2016 by a Canadian newspaper or magazine in print or online in English or French. Each applicant was permitted to make one submission consisting of up to three articles or one series of related articles. Complete details about the application process and judging criteria are available from a dedicated section of the PMAC website, which also provides information for the 2017 competition.

About PMAC:
Portfolio Management Association of Canada (PMAC) represents more than 200 investment management firms that manage in excess of $1.4 trillion in assets. Members manage portfolios for private individuals, foundations, universities and pension plans. As one of the largest investment industry associations in Canada, PMAC operates coast-to-coast in English and French-language markets. The Association employs a collaborative information-sharing business model and advocates on behalf of its members to securities regulators and government agencies. PMAC represents investment management firms registered to do business in Canada as portfolio managers. The Association’s mission is to advocate the highest standards of unbiased portfolio management in the interest of investors served by members.


Contact Margo Rapport
Rapport Communications
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 416-895-5672