PMAC Awards for Excellence in Investment Journalism Winners Announced

Portfolio Management Association of Canada Second Annual Award Acknowledges Value of Strategic, In-depth Investment Articles

TORONTO, ON, May 10, 2013 – The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (PMAC) ( today announced the three winners of its second annual Awards for Excellence in Investment Journalism, reaffirming its intent to enhance investor knowledge. (A list of the winning articles is available at the end of this release.)

The winning articles meet PMAC’s goal of protecting the public interest through timely and readable exploration of important investment topics. The prizes, including the top prize of $5,000, will be presented at an investment industry event in Toronto on June 3, 2013.

The respective winners and prizes are:

“The winning articles all tackle complex subjects and encourage investors to become more involved with their investments,” says PMAC President Katie Walmsley. “PMAC is pleased to recognize Preet Banerjee, Steven Kelman and Guillaume Poulin-Goyer. Their work contributes to better investor knowledge and behaviour by making complicated information accessible, interesting and actionable. That is exactly what the PMAC Award for Excellence in Investment Journalism celebrates.”

In addition to writing for Moneysense, the first prize winner, Banerjee, contributes a personal finance column to the Globe & Mail, hosts “Million Dollar Neighbourhood” on the Oprah Winfrey Network, is a member of the “Bottom Line” panel on CBC’s The National, and is the author of a personal finance blog: Kelman is the author of several personal finance books and is author or co-author of courses offered by the Investment Funds Institute of Canada. Poulin-Goyer has written for Le Devoir and other leading publications and is a recipient of the Kenneth R. Wilson award (which honours excellence in Canadian business-to-business magazine publishing) as part of the editorial team that writes for Finance et

“These talented journalists make us all look critically at our investments, and ask the right questions about risks, longevity, performance, tax implications and how these impact our goals,” adds Walmsley.


Winning articles of PMAC’s second annual Awards for Excellence in Investment Journalism:

First Prize – Single article by Preet BanerjeeHow You Doin’?

Second Prize – Series of articles by Steven G. Kelman:
How First Leaside investors were victimized
Why wasn’t First Leaside shut down earlier?

Third Prize – Series of articles by Guillaume Poulin-Goyer:
REEE: le risque de la cotisation des grands-parents (English version: Grandparents Contributing to RESPs Face Risks)
REEE: le choix de l’héritier importe (English version: RESPs – Choosing the Right Successor Subscriber Matters)
Un REEE de 26 000 $ entièrement financé par l’État (ou presque) (English version: How to Build a $26,000 RESP Financed Entirely by Government [Kind of])
REEE: que faire si Junior cesse d’étudier (English version: RESPs – What to Do if Junior Stops Studying)
REEE: règles à retenir lors du retrait (English version: RESP Withdrawal Rules You Should Know About)


About PMAC:

Formerly the Investment Counsel Association of Canada (ICAC), the Portfolio Management Association of Canada (PMAC) represents more than 170 portfolio management companies that oversee more than $800 billion in assets for over one million institutional and individual clients. Member firms support individual clients, pensions, insurance, foundations and endowments. As one of Canada’s largest financial industry associations, PMAC continues the 60-year tradition of ICAC. PMAC’s mission is to advocate the highest standards of unbiased portfolio management in the interest of investors.

PMAC uses a collaborative information-sharing business model and represents its members to securities regulators and government agencies. The Association works to “advance standards” in the industry by collaboratively developing industry best practices while keeping members current on regulatory and compliance issues.

For more information about PMAC:



For further information contact:
Contact Margo Rapport
H2 Central Marketing and Communications
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 416-895-5672