News archive

January 10, 2017

PMAC Supports the CSA’s Consultation on Option of Discontinuing Embedded Commissions

Toronto, ON – January 10, 2017 – The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (PMAC) applauds the CSA for taking a bold step forward in its release of CSA Consultation Paper 81-408 – Consultation on the Option of Discontinuing Embedded Commissions … Continue reading

December 22, 2016

CSA Notice and Request for Comment – Modernization of Investment Fund Product Regulation – Alternative Funds

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is pleased to have the opportunity to provide comments on the Canadian Securities Administrators’ (“CSA”) Notice and Request for Comment – Modernization of Investment Fund Product … Continue reading

December 7, 2016

Compliance Officers’ Network – December 7, 2016

Agenda for the Meeting Minutes from the Previous Meeting (September 27, 2016) Presentations (1) CSA Staff Notice 31-347 – Guidance for Portfolio Managers for Service Arrangements with IIROC Dealer Members Trevor Walz, Senior Accountant in the OSC’s Compliance and Registrant … Continue reading

November 17, 2016

PMAC Announces Board of Directors 2016-2017

Toronto, ON – November 17, 2016 – The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (PMAC) is pleased to announce its Board of Directors for 2016-2017. The slate of Directors was elected at the Association’s Annual General Meeting in Toronto on November … Continue reading

November 15, 2016

2016 National Conference & AGM

Agenda Annual General Meeting & Year at a Glance Paul Harris, Chairman, Portfolio Management Association of Canada (PMAC) and Partner, Avenue Investment Management Éric Léveillé, Incoming Chairman, PMAC and Managing Director, BlackRock Asset Management Canada Listen to the Audio Recording: [soundcloud url=”” … Continue reading

November 14, 2016

CEO Networking Dinner

Biography for AmyK Hutchens, Business Strategist, Think Tank Facilitator and Author Handout Listen to the Audio Recording of AmyK Hutchens [soundcloud url=”” params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

October 5, 2016

Proposed Amendments to National Instrument 31-103 – Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations, the Companion Policy to NI 31-103, National Instrument 33-109 – Registration Information and Related Forms

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is pleased to have the opportunity to provide comments on the Canadian Securities Administrators’ (“CSA”) Proposed Amendments to National Instrument 31-103 – Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations, … Continue reading

September 29, 2016

Review of Ontario’s Solvency Funding Framework for Defined Benefit Pension Plans

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC“), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is pleased to have the opportunity to participate in the Ministry of Finance’s review of Ontario’s solvency funding framework for defined benefit pension plans (the “Consultation”). … Continue reading

September 28, 2016

Succession Planning & Execution

View the Slides from Keith Robinson’s Presentation. Listen to the Audio Recording: [soundcloud url=”” params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] Event Overview: Planning for the partial or full purchase or sale of a portfolio management firm requires long term planning and … Continue reading

September 27, 2016

Compliance Officers’ Network – September 27, 2016

Agenda for the Meeting Minutes from the Previous Meeting (June 15, 2016) Presentation Materials Presentations – Please note only the “National Instrument 31-103” and the “Alternative Funds proposal” presentations have materials. The other three presentations (Federal Financial Sector Framework Review, AML … Continue reading

September 27, 2016

Portfolio Managers Already Offer Best Investor Protection Through Fiduciary Duty

INVESTMENT INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION SUPPORTS KEEPING THE BAR AT HIGHEST LEVEL FOR ITS CLIENTS TORONTO, September 27, 2016 — Today, the Portfolio Management Association of Canada (PMAC) ( released its comments on the Canadian Securities Administrators’ (CSA) Consultation Paper to Enhance … Continue reading

September 27, 2016

Canadian Securities Administrators Consultation Paper 33-404 – Proposals To Enhance the Obligations of Advisers, Dealers, and Representatives Toward Their Clients

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is pleased to have the opportunity to provide comments on the Canadian Securities Administrators’ (“CSA”) Consultation Paper 33-404 – Proposals To Enhance the Obligations of Advisers, Dealers, and Representatives … Continue reading

September 22, 2016

Toronto Compliance Forum

Agenda Regulatory Update and Overview of Recent Policy Developments Moderator: Rebecca Cowdery, Partner, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Debra Foubert, Director, Compliance & Registrant Regulation, Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) Kelly Gorman, Chief, Office of the Whistleblower, Deputy Director, Enforcement Branch, Ontario … Continue reading

September 16, 2016

Pension Plan Investment in Canada: The 30 Per Cent Rule

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is writing to express our views on the ongoing usefulness of the 30 per cent rule and considerations relating to its elimination pursuant to the Federal government’s consultation on … Continue reading

August 18, 2016

Draft Regulations under the Pooled Registered Pensions Plans Act 2015

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC“), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is pleased to have the opportunity to participate in the consultation process regarding the draft regulations (the “Regulations”) under the Ontario Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act, 2015 (the … Continue reading

July 15, 2016

Legislative Proposals Relating to the Implementation of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (“OECD”) Common Reporting Standard (“CRS”)

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC“), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is pleased to have the opportunity to participate in the Department of Finance (Canada) consultation on legislative proposals relating to the implementation of the OECD CRS (the “Proposed Legislation”). … Continue reading

July 6, 2016

Comments on the Revised Consultation Draft of the Capital Markets Stability Act

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is pleased to have the opportunity to provide comments on the revised consultation draft of the Capital Markets Stability Act (the “CMSA”). As background, PMAC represents investment management … Continue reading

June 21, 2016

PMAC Welcomes Finance Ministers’ Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Agreement

TORONTO, ON, June 21, 2016 – PMAC applauds the agreement in principle on CPP reached by Canada’s Finance Ministers. “We are pleased that the agreement calls for modest increases to CPP with a long and gradual phase-in period which recognizes the economic … Continue reading

June 17, 2016

Ontario Consultation on Financial Advisory and Financial Planning Policy Alternatives

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC“), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is pleased to have the opportunity to once again participate in the Ontario government consultation process regarding Financial Advisory and Financial Planning Policy Alternatives (the “Consultation”). We applaud the Ontario … Continue reading

June 15, 2016

Compliance Officers’ Network Meeting – June 15, 2016

Minutes from the Meeting (June 15, 2016) Listen to the Audio Recording: ***While the information provided is collected and compiled with care, PMAC does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of the information. This information is not … Continue reading

June 8, 2016

Montreal Compliance Forum

Programme | Agenda Mise à jour sur la réglementation et aperçu des dernières évolutions politiques | Regulatory Update and Overview of Recent Policy Developments Modérateur | Moderator: David D. Kilburn, Directeur national | National Director, Gestion Privée de Portefeuille CIBC | CIBC Private Investment … Continue reading

May 26, 2016

2016 PMAC Award for Excellence in Investment Journalism Winners Announced

Morningstar’s Rudy Luukko and Globe and Mail’s Rob Carrick and Ian McGugan take Top Honours for Insightful Editorial Content that Improves Investment Literacy TORONTO, ON, May 26, 2016 – The exceptional insight and writing talents of three Canadian financial print … Continue reading

May 18, 2016

Vancouver Compliance Forum

Agenda Regulatory Update Moderator: Larry Neilsen, Global Head of Compliance and Chief Compliance Officer, RBC Global Asset Management Lisa Bonato, Compliance & Registrant Regulation, Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) Janice Leung, Adviser and Investment Fund Manager, Compliance Team, British Columbia Securities … Continue reading

April 29, 2016

Proposed Amendment to Regulation 909 under Pension Benefits Act – Eliminating the 30% Rule for Pension Investment

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is writing to express our support for the Ontario government’s proposed regulatory reforms (the “Proposal”) that would eliminate the current investment rule2 that prohibits plan administrators … Continue reading

April 26, 2016

Compliance Officers’ Network Meeting – April 26, 2016

Agenda for the Meeting – updated Minutes from the Previous Meeting (February 23, 2016) Presentations  (1) Securities Regulation: Recent Developments Jason Chertin, Partner, McMillan LLP (2) Federal Budget 2016 – Overview and What PM’s Need to Know Carl Irvine, McMillan … Continue reading

April 13, 2016

2016 Federal Budget

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is writing to express our thoughts on certain taxation and pension changes announced in the 2016 Federal Budget (the “Budget”). We are pleased that the government … Continue reading

March 9, 2016

CSA Mutual Fund Risk Classification Methodology for Use in Fund Facts and ETF Facts – Proposed Amendments to NI 81-102 Investment Funds and Related Consequential Amendments

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is pleased to have the opportunity to respond to the proposed amendments for Mutual Fund Risk Classification Methodology for Use in Fund Facts and ETF Facts … Continue reading

February 23, 2016

Compliance Officers’ Network Meeting – February 23, 2016

Agenda for the Meeting Minutes from the Previous Meeting (December 8, 2015) Presentations: Regulatory Update & Recent Developments Garth Foster, Partner, Fasken LLP FATCA Update and Common Reporting Standard (Coming Soon!) Geeta Soni, Manager, Ernst & Young

February 19, 2016

Independent Evaluation of the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) with respect to Investment-Related Complaints

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”) welcomes the opportunity to participate in the 2016 independent evaluation of the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI). The purpose of the evaluation is to determine whether OBSI is fulfilling its obligations … Continue reading

February 17, 2016

Media Advisory – Call for Entries for 2016 PMAC Award for Excellence in Investment Journalism

Calling on Canada’s Most Insightful Investment Journalists Canadian Print and Online Journalists Invited to Submit Published Content by NEW DEADLINE April 4, 2016 TORONTO, ON, February 17, 2016 – In a year dominated by front page headlines on falling oil … Continue reading

February 16, 2016

Proposed Amendments to the Trust Loss Restriction Event Rules in Bill C-43

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”) is writing to acknowledge the proposed amendments to the trust loss restriction event rules in the Income Tax Act (Canada) (the “ITA”) which were released on January 15, 2016. We thank you and … Continue reading

February 10, 2016

2016 Federal Pre-Budget Consultations

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”) is pleased to submit comments on recommended priorities for the 2016 Federal Budget. PMAC’s Members invest the assets of individual Canadians who are saving for retirement and the assets of both traditional defined … Continue reading

January 14, 2016

Winning New Business with Consultants – Best Practices to Grow and Retain Business

Moderator: Julie Ducharme , Director Global Consultant Relations, BlackRock Panelists: Jason Campbell, Principal, Investment Consulting, Eckler Ltd. Gord Lewis, Vice President, Proteus Todd Nelson, Toronto Investment Leader, Towers Watson Session Overview: Investment Managers fill out reams of RFPs and participate in … Continue reading

December 8, 2015

Compliance Officers’ Network Meeting – December 8, 2015

Agenda for the Meeting (revised) Minutes from the Previous Meeting (September 16, 2015) Presentations: (1) Overview of OSC 2015 Annual Summary Report for Dealers, Advisers and Investment Fund Managers Trevor Walz, Senior Accountant, Compliance and Registrant Regulation Branch, Ontario Securities … Continue reading

November 24, 2015

2015 National Conference & AGM

Creating a More Client-Centric Culture Speaker: Jim Ware, Founder, Focus Consulting Group Listen to the Audio Recording: [soundcloud url=”” params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]   ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) – Trends & Future Direction Moderator: Michael Mezei, Director, President, Mawer Investment … Continue reading

November 23, 2015

Media Advisory – ORPP is overkill for retirement-ready Ontarians

Public policy expert and economist Jack Mintz to address Canada’s influential investment industry lobby on best-choice pension plan reform TORONTO / Nov. 23, 2015 / CNW – With so many Canadians being bombarded by conflicting information on retirement income adequacy, … Continue reading

November 23, 2015

Canadian Retirement Savings and Pension Reform

On behalf of the Members of the Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”), we are writing to formally introduce ourselves and to provide input into the Government’s consideration of retirement savings reforms and options. This is an exciting time for … Continue reading

November 23, 2015

The Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP) and Canadian Pension Reform

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is writing to reiterate our concerns with regard to the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (“ORPP”) and to provide our recommendations on Canadian pension reform. PMAC supports … Continue reading

November 1, 2015

CSA Staff Notice and Request for Comment 21-315 – Next Steps in Regulation and Transparency of the Fixed Income Market

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (PMAC), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is pleased to have the opportunity to submit comments regarding CSA Notice and Request for Comment 21-315 Next Steps in Regulation and Transparency of the Fixed … Continue reading

October 13, 2015

Proposed Amendments to NI 45-106 Prospectus Exemptions relating to Reports of Exempt Distribution

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (PMAC), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is pleased to have the opportunity to submit comments regarding CSA Notice and Request for Comment Proposed Amendments to National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus Exemptions relating to … Continue reading

September 24, 2015

2015 Toronto Compliance Forum

Building and Testing Your Cybersecurity Infrastructure and What to Do When Things Go Wrong Moderator: Vipool Desai, President, Ara Compliance Support Mark Amorosi, Partner, K&L Gates LLP Richard Roskies, Legal Counsel, AUM Law Kuno Tucker, Director, Chief Compliance Officer, ITG … Continue reading

September 21, 2015

Consultation on Financial Advisory and Financial Planning Policy Alternatives

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is pleased to have the opportunity to participate in the Ontario government consultation process (the “Consultation”) regarding Financial Advisory and Financial Planning Policy Alternatives. We believe … Continue reading

September 18, 2015

Consultation on Changing Workplaces Review – Employment Standards Act and Labour Relations Code

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is pleased to have the opportunity to participate in the Changing Workplaces Review Consultation (the “Consultation”). The Consultation considers how the Labour Relations Act, 1995 and … Continue reading

September 16, 2015

Compliance Officers’ Network Meeting – September 16, 2015

Agenda for the Meeting Minutes from the Previous Meeting (June 16, 2015) Presentations: (A) An Overview of the Proposed Amendments to the AML Regulations – What’s Ahead! Speaker: Rachel Manno, Associate, Financial Services, Osler ***Note: Please contact PMAC ([email protected]) for … Continue reading

September 16, 2015

Consultation on Mandating a Summary Disclosure Document for Exchange-Traded Mutual Funds (ETF) and it’s Delivery

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”), through its Industry Regulation & Tax Committee, is pleased to have the opportunity to participate in the consultation process regarding the summary disclosure document called “ETF Facts” and the content and delivery of ETF … Continue reading

September 10, 2015

Consultations on a Voluntary Supplement to the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP)

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is pleased to have the opportunity to participate in the consultation process regarding the Government’s review of options for a voluntary supplement to the Canada Pension … Continue reading

September 4, 2015

Proposed Amendments to the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Regulations

The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”) is pleased to have the opportunity to submit the following comments in response to the July 4, 2015 Federal government proposed amended regulations (the “Proposed Amendments”) under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) … Continue reading

August 28, 2015

Consultation on Streamlining the Administration and Supervision of PRPPs

Consultation on Streamlining the Administration and Supervision of Pooled Registered Pension Plans: Multilateral Agreement Respecting Pooled Registered Pension Plans The Portfolio Management Association of Canada (“PMAC”), through its Industry, Regulation & Tax Committee, is pleased to have the opportunity to … Continue reading

June 16, 2015

Compliance Officers’ Network Meeting – June 16, 2015

Presentations: (1) Securities Regulatory Topic Update (2 slide decks) a. Regulatory issues in advising the senior client b. Internal controls and credit for cooperation Speakers: Sean Sadler, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Rene Sorell, McCarthy Tétrault LLP (2) Federal Budget Highlights for Compliance … Continue reading

June 2, 2015

2015 PMAC Excellence in Investment Journalism Award Winners Announced

Repeat Success by Two Talented Journalists Reflect Growing Prestige of Competition TORONTO, ON, June 2, 2015 – For the first time since its launch in 2012, the PMAC Award for Excellence in Investment Journalism is going to a previous winner, … Continue reading